Cheese Brunch

8 years ago  •  By  • 

On July 23rd-24th, Turandot restaurant is happy to welcome all the lovers of delicious Swiss cheese for a special cheese brunch. This weekend, an undivided attention will be given to the guest from the country of snowy mountains, blossomy valleys and mirrorlike lakes, from Switzerland. Centuries of experience in cheese making, secret recipes handed down from generation to generation, and the nature cherished by people, all of this ensure a delicious variety of cheese.
Our restaurant guests will take part in workshops on making the famous Alpine fondue, or raclette, as they call it in Switzerland. A very special mouth-watering aroma of melting cheese is unforgettable. It is not a surprise that raclette is made of cheese with the same name.
Our cheese sommelier will offer the guests to try the famous Tête de Moine – the Monk’s Head – that used to be made in monastery dairies in the Middle Age. The exquisite cheese cuts will be served on a platter.